Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Demography is the study of human populations in terms of size, density, location, age, gender, race, occupation, and other statistics.(Armstrong and Kotler Ninth Edition Marketing pg.68) This study is vital to our company. First and foremost we are a company that is here to help and assist people in their futures. Profits for our actions come second. In order to achieve our maximum philanthropic objectives we must conduct in depth studies in the demography of the United States. We look at where the growth is the highest, where there is the highest number of parentless children, and other minor factors which may stimulate our profit margin. Once the study is complete and we see where Singleton Vodka will be most useful we begin to pump product into the stores in that area. If our calculations are correct, the bleak statistics that caused us to stock the shelves there will magically alter for the better. Thus creating less orphans and societal burdens and more revenue for us!

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