Monday, September 22, 2008

Model Contest

Well folks,
after our long nationwide search we finally found our Singleton pin-up girl! We considered thousands of women and we think we finally found the right look for our brand.

Companies can build customer relationships at many levels, depending on the nature of the target market. (Armstrong and Kotler Ninth edition marketing pg. 16) When we did our search we were looking for a spokes-model that would not only spark a definite interest in our product but would also maintain the loyalty and level of comfort with our current customers. I have a feeling that you all will be pleased!

1 comment:

R. E. Hernandez said...

"Cultural factors exert a broad and deep influence on a comsumer behavior. The marketer needs to understand the role played by the buyer's culture, subculture, and social class."

Well done, I really like the graphic you created. I am a college student in the United States, a cultural factor that this feeds into are partying it up with friends with bikini clad women. This is a tried and true marketing strategy!